Prof Mrs. Frances T. K. Owusu-Daaku
Associate Professor in Social Pharmacy and former Head, Department of Clinical and Social Pharmacy and former Vice-Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; she used to teach part time in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, her PhD discipline.
She obtained both her B. Pharm and MSc degrees from KNUST and her PhD from the Victoria University of Manchester, UK. After a 2-year sabbatical stint as President of Christian Service University College, Kumasi (CSUC) she is back to the Department of Clinical and Social Pharmacy.
Since her first appointment in February 1983, she has supervised over 25 postgraduate students and 80 undergraduate students. Her on-going research includes pharmacists’ role in mental health care provision, pharmacy workforce and gender issues. These all dovetail into enhancing the social pharmacy curriculum at KNUST.
She was the Chair of KNUST’s Community Impact Programme and has served on several University and College committees She is a member of FIP (International Pharmacists Federation) a former vice-president of CPA (Commonwealth Pharmacists Association) a fellow of WAPCP (West African Postgraduate College of Pharmacists) a founding Fellow of the Ghana College of Pharmacists; and an active member of LAPAG, having previously served as a regional coordinator and vice-president of PSGH. She was the President of PPAG (Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana) for five years and is an honorary member of its national council.
Her peer-reviewed publications include the following:
- Kretchy IA, Owusu-Daaku F, Danquah S. The Experience of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) use among Ghanaian Patients with Hypertension: Results of a Qualitative Study. Journal of International Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2015), 3(4) 121-129. Abstract available at http://www.ikpress.org/abstract.php?iid=500&id=41&aid=3852#.VUDpLNJViko
- Owusu-Daaku, F. Pharmacists, Pharmacy Training and Mental Health Care Provision in Ghana. Pharmacy Education, 2014; 14(1) 121–123. Available at http://pharmacyeducation.fip.org/2014/10/pharmacists-pharmacy-training-and-mental-health-care-provision-in-ghana/
- Kretchy IA, Owusu-Daaku F, Danquah S. Mental health in hypertension: assessing symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress on anti-hypertensive medication adherence. International Journal of Mental Health Systems (2014) 8:25 doi:10.1186/1752-4458-8-25. Available at http://www.ijmhs.com/content/8/1/25
- Marfo AFA, Owusu-Daaku FT, Opare Addo M, Saana II. Ghanaian Hypertensive Patients’ Understanding of their Medicines and Life Style Modification for managing Hypertension. Int J Pharm Pharm Sci (2014) 6 (4) 165-170 Available at http://www.ijppsjournal.com/Vol6Issue4/8781.pdf
- Kretchy IA, Owusu-Daaku F, Danquah S. Patterns and determinants of the use of complementary and alternative medicine: a cross-sectional study of hypertensive patients in Ghana. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2014) 14:44Available at http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6882/14/44
- Kretchy I, Owusu-Daaku FT, Danquah S. Locus of control and anti-hypertensive medication adherence in Ghana. Pan Afr Med J. (2014) 17(Supp 1):73-77. Available at http://www.panafrican-med-journal.com/content/series/17/1/13/pdf/13.pdf
- Kretchy I, Owusu-Daaku F, Danquah S. Spiritual and religious beliefs: do they matter in the medication adherence behaviour of hypertensive patients? BioPsychoSocial Medicine (2013) 7:15 doi:10.1186/1751-0759-7-15. Available at http://www.bpsmedicine.com/content/pdf/1751-0759-7-15.pdf
- Marfo AF, Owusu-Daaku FT, Kyerewaa-Akromah E. Patient knowledge of medicines dispensed from Ghanaian community pharmacies. Pharmacy Practice 11:2 (2013) pp 66-70 Available at http://www.pharmacypractice.org/journal/index.php/pp/article/view/337
- Owusu-Daaku FT, Marfo, AF, Adjekum WO. Medicines used by pregnant women attending a district hospital in Ghana. Brief Communication: International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 115 (2011), pp. 195-196 (doi: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2011.06.014)
- Owusu-Daaku FT, Marfo, AFA, Boateng, EA. The contribution of Ghanaian pharmacists to mental healthcare: current practice and barriers. International Journal of Mental Health Systems (2010) 4:14. (doi:10.1186/1752-4458-4-14) Available at http://www.ijmhs.com/content/4/1/14
- Owusu-Daaku FTK, Buanya-Mensah G. Ghanaian Pharmacists Perception of People Living With HIV and AIDS (PLWHIV) Journal of Pharmacy Practice (2010) 23(2) 135-139 Available at http://jpp.sagepub.com/content/23/2/135.full.pdf+html
- R.N.K Gyapong, M. Duwiejua, F.Y Bio, E Woode, C. Ansah, FTK Owusu-Daaku, K.O. Buabeng. Characterization and Treatment of Severe Malaria in Hospitalized Children at a Ghanaian District Hospital. The Open Tropical Medical Journal (2009) 2:39-44. Available at http://www.benthamscience.com/open/totmj/articles/V002/39TOTMJ.pdf
- Frances Owusu-Daaku, Felicity Smith and Rita Shah. Addressing the Workforce Crisis: the Professional Aspirations of Pharmacy Students in Ghana. Pharmacy World and Science (2008) 30 (5): 577-583
- Owusu-Daaku F, Buabeng KO, Anto BP, Shah, R, Smith, F. Educating Pharmacists, Educating Patients. Involvement of Patients in Pharmacy Education in Ghana. International Pharmacy Journal (2007) 22(1): 35-36
- Owusu-Daaku FTK What kind of Continuing Education (CE) did Ghanaian Pharmacists want in 2000? The Ghana Pharmaceutical Journal (2007) 32(1) 32-33, 36-40
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Smith F.Programme description: Health promotion in a social pharmacy course: The Ghana experience Pharmacy Education(2007) 7: 187-191
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Smith FJ Health Seeking Behaviour: Perspectives of Ghanaian Women in London and Kumasi. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (2005)13: 71-76.
- Duwiejua M, Anto BP, Buabeng KO, Owusu-Daaku FT, Matowe L, Cunningham ITS, Stewart DC and Dodd TRP A Postgraduate Clinical Pharmacy Programme in Ghana. Pharmacy Education (2004) 4: 171 – 174
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Omane-Adjekum W. University Students’ Perception of the Role of the Ghanaian Pharmacist. The Ghana Pharmaceutical Journal (2004) 28 (No1) : 58-62
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Sablah J. The Essential Drug List and Drug Use Indicators at Two University Hospitals: KNUST and Legon. The West African Journal of Pharmacy (2004)18: 53-57
- Owusu-Daaku FTK. Pharmacy in Ghana’s Health Care System: Which way forward? The Ghana Pharmaceutical Journal (2002) 25 (No.1): 20-23
- Gillian Stynes, Richard Smith, Felicity Smith, Moses Oketch and Frances Owusu-Daaku. Education and international health workforce migration: surveying the mechanics of ‘brain drain’ among pharmacists from sub-Saharan Africa. 9th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association. Sydney, 7-10 July 2013.
- Gillian Stynes, Mylène Lagarde, Richard Smith, Felicity Smith, Moses Oketch and Frances Owusu-Daaku. Health workers’ stated preferences for overseas versus local professional education: a discrete choice experiment. 9th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association. Sydney, 7-10 July 2013
- Gillian Stynes, Richard Smith, Felicity Smith, Mylène Lagarde, Moses Oketch and Frances Owusu-Daaku. Professional education preferences and international migration: implications for health workforce policy from a discrete choice experiment among pharmacists. Economics of the Health Workforce Conference. Sydney, 6-7 July 2013.
- Owusu-Daaku, F. Guest lecture. April 2013. Pharmaceutical and mental illness management in Ghana available at http://aissr.uva.nl/events/content/lectures/2013/04/pharmaceuticals-and-mental-illness-management-in-ghana.html
- Kretchy, I. A., Owusu-Daaku, F. T., & Danquah, S. A. (2013). Locus of control and anti-hypertensive medication adherence. 1st World Conference on Personality, March 19-23, 2013.
- Gillian Stynes, Richard Smith, Felicity Smith, Moses Oketch, Frances Owusu-Daaku and Mylene Lagarde. Has education policy been overlooked in efforts to manage health workforce migration? Results from a discrete choice experiment examining education preferences among pharmacists from sub-Saharan Africa. 2nd Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. Beijing, 31 October – 3 November 2012.
- Gillian Stynes, Felicity Smith, Richard Smith, Moses Oketch, Frances Owusu-Daaku and Mylene Lagarde. Measuring the importance of professional training in the international migration of pharmacists from sub-Saharan Africa. Annual Congress of the International Pharmaceutical Federation. Amsterdam, 3-8 October 2012.
- Kretchy, I. A., Owusu-Daaku, F. T., & Danquah, S. A. (2012). Impact of complementary and alternative medicine use on anti-hypertensive medication adherence among hypertensive patients attending two urban tertiary health facilities in Ghana. 6th Annual Scientific Conference, College of Health Sciences, September 26-28, 2012. Book of Abstracts pp 68.
- Gillian Stynes, Moses Oketch, Richard Smith, Felicity Smith, Frances Owusu-Daaku and Mylene Lagarde. Could improved training opportunities reduce health workforce migration from sub-Saharan Africa? Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Medicine. London, 12-14 September 2012
- Owusu-Daaku KN, Nsiah-Peprah Y and Owusu-Daaku FTK Voluntary Counseling and Testing Acceptability among First Year College of Health Science Students, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Ghana. 2012 Award-winning poster Available at http://ppc.uiowa.edu/health/ihg/poster
- Owusu-Daaku F. The KNUST Community Impact Programme- Where is the Gender Perspective? Paper presented at Gender 2012: First Association of Commonwealth Universities/ University of Kelaniya Gender conference, Sri Lanka 6th -8thMarch 2012Owusu-Daaku FT Getting to the Thesis. Workshop Speaker for Graduate Students of Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2nd February 201
- Owusu-Daaku FT, Marfo AFA, Obeng RK Prevalence and Causes of Anti-Retroviral Treatment Failure among HIV/AIDS Adult Patients at KomfoAnokye Teaching Hospital, Ghana. Proceedings of 4th Annual Scientific Conference, College of Health Sciences, KNUST, 1st – 2nd September 2011
- Marfo AFA, Owusu-Daaku FT, Kabe-Ofori S. The Perception of Patients and Clinicians on the Use of Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) for the Management of Uncomplicated Malaria at the St. Dominic Hospital, Akwatia, Ghana. Proceedings of 4th Annual Scientific Conference, College of Health Sciences, KNUST, 1st – 2nd September 2011
- Marfo AFA, Owusu-Daaku, FT, Management of Malaria among Pregnant Women attending a Private Clinic, Kumasi, Ghana. KNUST. Proceedings of 4th Annual Scientific Conference, College of Health Sciences, KNUST,1st – 2nd September 2011
- Owusu-Daaku FT, Marfo AFA, Duah-Gyamfi A. Availability and Adherence to the Magnesium Sulphate Protocol for the Management of Eclampsia at KomfoAnokye Teaching Hospital, Ashanti Region, Ghana. KNUST. Proceedings of 4th Annual Scientific Conference, College of Health Sciences, KNUST,1st – 2nd September 2011
- Owusu-Daaku KN, Nsiah-Preprah Y, Owusu-Daaku, FT. Voluntary Counselling and Testing Acceptability among First Year Students, College of Health Science, KNUST, Ghana. Proceedings of 4th Annual Scientific Conference, College of Health Sciences, KNUST,1st – 2nd September 2011
- Owusu-DaakuFT. Maternal Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ghana. Teacher Speaker: North-South-South Intensive Course held in South Africa, University of Limpopo, Medunsa Campus, School of Public Health, 15th -20th August 2011
- Owusu-DaakuFT National Health Insurance Scheme: The Ghana Experience. Invited Speaker for CPA (Commonwealth Pharmacists Association) 2011, held in Durban, South Africa 29th May-1st June 2010
- Owusu-DaakuFT, Marfo, AFA,Adjekum, WO A Survey on the Safety of Medicine Use in Maternal Health in a District Hospital, Ghana In: Proceedings of 3RD Annual Scientific Conference, College of Health Sciences, KNUST, 26-27th August 2010
- Marfo AFA, Owusu-Daaku, FT, Amponsah, MV (2010).The Effectiveness of the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV Programme at St Martin De Porres hospital, Agomanya In: Proceedings of 3RD Annual Scientific Conference, College of Health Sciences, KNUST, 26-27th August 2010
- F.T.K. Owusu-Daaku (2010) Making the NHIS work in Ghana. Plenary panel presentation at Annual General Meeting and 75th anniversary celebration of PSGH (Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana) held in Kumasi, 10th -15th August 2010
- F.T.K. Owusu-Daaku, A. F. A. Marfo, A. Assasie-Gyimah (2009) Adherence of Prescribers to the Recommended Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy (ACT) for the Management of Uncomplicated Malaria. In: proceedings of 10th Commonwealth pharmacists Association Conference, Accra, Ghana 5-9th August, 2009. PS 039, p106
- F.T. Owusu-Daaku, A. F. A. Marfo, J. Tagoe (2009) Factors Affecting Job and Career. Satisfaction among Ghanaian Hospital Pharmacists In: proceedings of 10th Commonwealth pharmacists Association Conference, Accra, Ghana 5-9th August, 2009. PS017. p84
- F. T. OwusuDaaku, A. F. A. Marfo, J. Ahado (2009) Medication Errors at Tema General Hospital, Ghana In: proceedings of 10th Commonwealth pharmacists Association Conference, Accra, Ghana 5-9th August, 2009. PS016,
- M. Duwiejua, F.T.K. OwusuDaaku, A.F.A. Marfo, D. Bedima (2009)Effectiveness of Counseling on the Use of Antimalarials among Caregivers Attending Health Facilities at Tano District In: proceedings of 10th Commonwealth pharmacists Association Conference, Accra, Ghana 5-9th August,2009. PS038, p105
- F. T. K. Owusu-Daaku, A. F. A. Marfo, E.A Boateng (2009) The Role of the Pharmacist in Mental Health Care In: proceedings of 10th Commonwealth pharmacists Association Conference, Accra, Ghana 5-9th August, 2009. PS018 p 85
- M. Duwiejua, F. T. K. OwusuDaaku, A.F.A. Marfo, H. A. Jambedu (2009) Adherence to Anti-Hypertensive Medication Regimen among Patients attending the G.P.H.A Hospital in Takoradi In: proceedings of 10th Commonwealth pharmacists Association Conference, Accra, Ghana 5-9th August, 2009. PS037, p1
- R.N.K Gyapong, M. Duwiejua, F. T. K. OwusuDaaku, F.Y Bio, K.O. Buabeng (2009) Characterization of severe malaria and treatment related adverse drug reactions in hospitalized children at the KNUST Hospital , Kumasi, Ghana In: proceedings of 10th Commonwealth pharmacists Association Conference, Accra, Ghana 5-9th August,2009. PS 040, p107
- Book Contribution in two chapters, 5 and 7:International Research in Healthcare (2008)Felicity Smith, Sally-Anne Francis and Ellen Schafheutle (eds) Pharmaceutical Press, London, Chicago
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Annan K.(2008)The Role of Herbal Medicines in the Management of HIV-AIDS. 1st Annual Scientific Conference of College of Health Sciences, KNUST 28th -29th Aug 2008. Book of Abstracts p 20
- Owusu-Daaku FTK, Afriyie, S and Tabgoto, P.A measure of Kumasi health workers’ attitude towards PLWHAs. Paper self-presented atNHARCON2008,Accra, Ghana. Conference brochure and book of abstracts p 21
- Owusu-Daaku FTK, Thematic Speaker on Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis, 2007 LAPAG (Lady Pharmacists Association of Ghana) AGM held in Kumasi; 1-2 Nov 2007
- Owusu-Daaku FTK, Smith FJ and Shah R(2007) Pharmacy careers and migration: professional aspirations and opportunities from the perspective of pharmacy students in Ghana. Paper self-presented at 9th Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1-5th August 2007
- Owusu-Daaku FTK Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in Ghana. Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, NJ 20th June 2007. ref: http://www.ramapo.edu/news/photos2007/#!prettyPhoto[6]/http://www.ramapo.edu/news/files/2013/05/5495-73.jpg
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Buanya-Mensah G.(2005)Ghanaian Pharmacists’ Attitude towards People Living With HIV and AIDS (PLWHAs). Paper presented at the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana AGM 2005, Kumasi
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Smith FJ(2005) The Higher Education Link Programme PSGH News April 2005 p 13-15
- Owusu-Daaku, K.O., Andoh, W., Matti, P., Nouricher, B. and Owusu-Daaku, FTK. (2005) Evaluation of some sexual reproductive habits and attitudes of a cross section of first and final year students in a large African University. 24th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Science Association 1st – 4th August 2005,GIMPA Legon
- Acquaah, C.N.A.E., Owusu-Daaku, K.O, Yeboah, F.A. and Owusu-Daaku F.T.K.(2005).Trends in contraceptive use over a ten year period (1994-2004) – A case study in Kumasi. 24th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Science Association 1st – 4thAugust 2005,GIMPA Legon
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Buanya-Mensah G. (2005) The Development of Social and Clinical Pharmacy Education and Research To Meet Local Population Health Needs. Seminar Paper presented at Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Buanya-Mensah G. (2005) Do Ghanaian Pharmacists have Accepting Attitudes towards People Living With HIV and AIDS (PLWHAs)? Poster self-presented at the 2005 Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice conference in Reading UK
- Owusu-Daaku FTBeyond ABC?http://bmj.com/cgi/eletters/330/7487/320#96380, 11 Feb 2005
- Owusu-DaakuFTK and Nartey N.(2004) Documenting ‘Pharmacy Services’ in the GAP) Technical Report submitted to World Vision Ghana Central office
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Okyere L. (2004) Do Community Pharmacists have a Negative Attitude towards People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs)?- A Study in the Kumasi Metropolis. Paper presented at the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana AGM 2004, Cape Coast.
- Owusu-Daaku FTK. Grassroots Involvement Certainly Works http://bmj.com/cgi/eletters/329/7457/67-a#67330, 15 Jul 2004
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Deckor S. (2004)Advice-Seeking and Giving at Kumasi (Ghana) Community Pharmacies: Perspectives of Pharmacists. Paper self-presented at the 13th International Social Pharmacy Workshop held in Malta, 19th -23rd July 2004. Incorporated in Pharmacy Education 4 (3,4) 239-240
- Owusu-Daaku FK Translation variations exist even within countries
http://bmj.com/cgi/eletters/327/7411/352#35909, 21 Aug 2003 - Owusu-Daaku FTK andSablah J.(2003) The use of the Ghana Essential Drug List at KNUST and Legon Hospitals. Paper presented at the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana AGM 2003, Accra
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Omane-Adjekum W. (2002) The role of the Pharmacist- A Student Perspective: Paper self-presented at the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana AGM 2002, Sunyani
- Owusu-Daaku FTK and Smith FJ. (2002) Health seeking behaviour and use of medicines: Interviews with Ghanaian women in London and Kumasi: Poster self-presented at the 2002 Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice conference in Leeds UK
- Owusu-Daaku F This is great http://bmj.com/cgi/eletters/323/7304/65#15641, 16 Jul 2001
- Duwiejua M and Owusu-Daaku FTK. (1998) Capacity building for the enhancement of the practice of pharmacy in Ghana. Paper self-presented at the Pharmaceutical society of Ghana 1998 AGM Cape Coast.