Prof George Kwaw Ainooson
George Kwaw Ainooson is a lecturer in Pharmacology at the college of Health Sciences, KNUST. He holds a BPharm (Hons) degree and MPhil in Pharmacology from KNUST. He is a past visiting scholar of the Department of Pharmacology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. His research interests are in medicinal plants with emphasis on antiinflammatory-analgesics and ethopharmacology.
His recent Publications Include:
1. WONDER M. K., ERIC WOODE, GEORGE K. AINOOSON, AMA K. AMO-BARIMAH, ERIC BOAKYE-GYASI (2010). Antiarthritic and antioxidant effects of the leaf extract of Ficus exasperate P. Beauv. (Moraceae). Phcog Res. Vol. 2 (2.) pp 89-97.
2. E. WOODE, C. A. DANQUAH, E. BOAKYE-GYASI, C. ANSAH, , C. ANSAH AND G. AINOOSON (2009). Antinociceptive Effects of an Ethanolic Extract of Capparis erythrocarpos Isert Roots in the Mice Formalin Test. Int. J. Pharmacol, 5 (6) pp 354-361.
3. E. WOODE, E. BOAKYE-GYASI, G. K. AINOOSON, C. ANSAH AND M. DUWIEJUA (2009). Anti-nociceptive Effect and the Mechanism of Palisota hirsuta K. Schum. Leaf Extract in Murine Models. Int. J. Pharmacol, 5 (2) pp 101-113.