Prof Prof. Stephen Yao Gbedema
HOD, Department of Pharmaceutics
POSITION: Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Microbiology
DEPARTMENT: Pharmaceutics (Pharm. Microbiology Unit),
EMAIL: sgbedema.pharm@knust.edu.gh
INTRODUCTION: Prof. Stephen Y. Gbedema holds a B. Pharm. (Hons) and an M.Phil. (Pharmaceutics) degrees from KNUST in 1998 and 2002, respectively. He was appointed a lecturer in the Department of Pharmaceutics, KNUST in 2003. He is a registered Pharmacist and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana. He completed his PhD studies in 2014 through the Commonwealth Scholarship Split-Site programme in KNUST (home site) and University of Bradford (UK site). He is currently a Senior Lecturer in Pharm. Microbiology. He has enormous experience in teaching, research and analysis, and profound interest as well as excellent potential for research. He is in research collaborations with a lot of researchers in African, Europe and the US.
OTHER PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS: Commonwealth Scholars Alumni Association; UTAG; ARSPA; Board Member, Ghana Co-operative Pharmacists Credit Union Ltd.
- Scientific investigation into natural sources (medicinal plants and microorganisms) for anti-infective (especially antimalarial, antimicrobial, antibiofilm, trypanocidal and antigiardiasis agents) and antibiotic resistance modifying agents, and natural preservatives.
- Development of formulations of medicinal plants into suitable dosage forms for enhanced efficacy and compliance.
- Herbal pharmacovigilance,
- Prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in society.
- Sola I, Castella S, Viayna E, Galdeano C, Taylor MC, Gbedema SY, Pérez B, Clos MV, Jones DC, Fairlamb AH, Wright CW, Kelly JM, Muñoz-Torrero D. (2015). Synthesis, biological profiling and mechanistic studies of 4-aminoquinoline-based heterodimeric compounds with dual trypanocidal-antiplasmodial activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. pii:S0968-0896(15)00047-4. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2015.01.031. [Epub ahead of print]
- Abudu A, Gbedema SY, Wemegah DD, Tay SCK (2015). Wuchereria bancrofti antigenaemia among school children: A case study of four communities in the Kassena-Nankana East District of the Upper East Region of Ghana. International Journal of medicine and Medical Sciences, 7(3): 67 – 74.
- Tay SCK, Badu K, Mensah AA, Gbedema SY (2015). The prevalence of malaria among HIV seropositive individuals and the impact of the co- infection on their hemoglobin levels. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials, 14:10, DOI: 10.1186/s12941-015-0064-6..
- Sola I, Artigas A, Taylor MC, Gbedema SY, Pérez B, Wright CW, Kelly JM, Muñoz-Torrero D, (201. Synthesis and antiprotozoal activity of oligomethylene- and p-phenylene-bis(methylene)-linked bis(+)-huprines. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 24: 5435 – 5438.
- Saana SBBM, Adu F, Gbedema SY and Duredoh FG (2014). Antibiotic susceptibility patterns of Salmonella typhi among patients in three hospitals in Kumasi, Ghana. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 5(3): 855 – 860.
- Nicholas Agyepong N, Agyare C, Adarkwa-Yiadom M and Gbedema SY (2014). Phytochemical investigation and anti-microbial activity of Clausena anisata (Willd), Hook. African Journal of Traditional, Complement and Alternative Medicine. 11(3):200 – 209.
- Koffuor GA, Dickson R, Gbedema SY, Ekuadzi E, Dapaah G, Otoo LF (2014). The immunostimulatory and antimicrobial properties of two herbal decoctions used in the management of HIV/AIDS in Ghana. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 11(3): 166 – 172.
- Bayaa Martin Saana SB, Adu F, Agyare C, Gbedema SY, Boamah VE, George DF (2013). Antibiotic resistance patterns of strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from patients in three hospitals in Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Bacteriology Research, Vol. 5(3): 35 – 40.
- Tay SCK, Kye-Duodo G, Gbedema SY (2013). River Wiwi: A source of Schistosoma haematobium infection in school children in Kumasi, an urban African setting. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 7(20): 2213 – 2220.
10) Tawiah AA, Gbedema SY, Adu F, Boamah VE, Annan K (2012). Antibiotic producing microorganisms from River Wiwi, Lake Bosomtwe and the Gulf of Guinea at Doakor Sea Beach, Ghana. BMC Microbiology, 12: 234, 1 – 19. doi:10.1186/1471-2180-12-234.
11) George DF, Gbedema SY, Agyare C, Adu F, Boamah VE, Tawiah AA, Bayaa-Martin-Saana SB (2012). Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Escherichia coli Isolates from Hospitals in Kumasi, Ghana,” ISRN Microbiology, vol. 2012, 1 – 5. doi:10.5402/2012/658470.
12) Annan K, Sarpong K, Asare C, Dickson R, Amponsah KI, Gyan B, Ofori M, Gbedema SY (2012). In vitro anti-plasmodial activity of three herbal remedies for malaria in Ghana: Adenia cissampeloides (Planch.) Harms., Terminalia ivorensis A. Chev, and Elaeis guineensis Jacq. Pharmacognosy Research, 4(4): 225 – 229. doi: 10.4103/0974-8490.102270.
13) Tay SCK, Amankwa R, Gbedema SY (2011). Prevalence of Schistosoma haematobium infection in Ghana: A Retrospective case study in Kumasi. International Journal of Parasitology Research, 3(2): 48 – 52.
14) Tay SCK, Dankwa K, Gbedema SY, Sittie AA (2011). Antimalarial Activity of Cryptolepis sanguinolenta Based Herbal Capsules in mice. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 2(5): 127 – 131.
15) Tay SCK, Dankwa K, Gbedema SY, Sittie AA (2011). In vivo Antimalarial Activity Evaluation of Two Cryptolepis sanguinolenta Based Herbal Decoctions. Inventi Impact: Ethnopharmacology, 2011(1): 68 – 71.
16) Tay SCK, Gbedema SY, Gyampomah TK (2011). High prevalence of Hookworm infection and apparent absence of Ascaris lumbricoides: A case study at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Ghana. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2(5): 1217 – 1224.
17) Boamah V.E, Gbedema SY, Adu F, Ofori-Kwakye K (2011). Microbial Quality of Household Water Sources and Incidence of Diarrhoea in three Peri-Urban Communities in Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 3(3): 1087 – 1092.
18) Tay SCK, Gbedema SY, Gyampomah TK (2011). Accuracy of diagnosis of intestinal helminth parasites in a reference diagnostic laboratory in Ghana. International Journal of Parasitology Research, 3(1): 12 – 17.
19) Adu F, Gbedema SY, Brown P, Annan K, Boamah EV (2011). Antibacterial and free radical scavenging activity of Duranta plumieri, Linn. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2(2): 382 – 387.
20) Bayor MT, Johnson R, Gbedema SY (2011). The Oral Capsule - The most appropriate dosage form for Croton membranaceus, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2(1): 55 – 62.
21) Feglo PK, Acheampong DO, Gbedema SY (2010). Prevalence and antibiogram of Klebsiella species recovered from clinical samples at the Komfo Anokye teaching hospital in Ghana. Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 1(2): 04 – 08.
22) Feglo PK, Gbedema SY, Quay SNA, Adu-Sarkodie Y, Opoku-Okrah C (2010). Occurrence, species distribution and antibiotic resistance of Proteus isolates: A case study at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) in Ghana.
International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Research, 1(9): 347 – 352.
23) Gbedema SY, Adu F, Bayor MT, Annan K, Boateng JS (2010). Enhancement of antibacterial activity of amoxicillin by some Ghanaian medicinal plant extracts, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 1(11): 145 – 152.
24) Gbedema SY, AduF, Bayor MT, Annan K (2010). Modulation effect of Herbal extracts on the antibacterial activity of Tetracycline, International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, 1(4): 1 – 5.
25) Gbedema SY, Kisseih E, Adu F, Annan K, Woode E (2010). Wound healing properties and kill kinetics of Clerodendron splendens G. Don, a Ghanaian wound healing plant, Pharmacognosy Research, 2 (2); 63 – 68.
26) Gbedema SY, Adu F, Bayor MT, Arhin-Sam VE, Annan K (2010). In vitro Antimicrobial study of the efficacy of a toothpaste formulated from Garcinia kola stem wood extract, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2 (2); 98 – 101.
27) Annan K Gbedema S and Adu F (2009). Antibacterial and Radical Scavenging Activity of Fatty Acids from Paulinia pinnataL, Pharmacognosy Magazine, 5 (19); 119 – 123.
28) Annan K, Adu F. and Gbedema SY. (2009). Friedelin: A Bacterial Resistance Modulator from Paullinia pinnata L., Journal of Science and Technology, 29 (1); 152 – 159.
29) Adu F, Gbedema S. Y., Annan K. (2009). Antimicrobial and Resistance Modulatory Activities of Corynanthe pachyceras, Pharmacognosy Review, 1 (5); 280 – 284.
30) Bayor M.T. Gbedema S Y and Annan K (2009). The antimicrobial activity of Croton membranaceus, a species used in formulations for measles in Ghana. Journal of Pharmacognosy & Phytotherapy, 1 (4): 047- 051.
31) Fleischer T.C., Mensah M. L. K., Mensah A. Y., Komlaga G., Gbedema S. Y. and Skaltsa H. (2008). Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils of Xylopia aethiopica, African Journal of Traditional, Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, 5 (4): 391 – 340.